Broker .

A seasoned communicator who seeks to inspire and motivate others to find their own ‘possible’ and make their greatness happen.

As a former National Head of Learning and Development in the Banking and Telecoms Industries, Pearl has developed passion to facilitate self-discovery and actualisation through MCing, Keynotes, Facilitating, Coaching and TV/Radio presenting

She has also authored 4 books and sung a number of songs. Pearl qualified as a Mrs South Africa 2020 finalist. She started the pageant as a mom of 10 biological children. Interestingly, during the pageant she had her 11th child and placed as a finalist one-month post partum.

As an influencer and Brand Ambassador, Her slogan is “You Can Do Your Everything!”. Therefore, she seeks to inspire women to systematically and strategically pursue all that they are capable of.

Discover the true power of you.

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Watch Pearls Mrs South Africa Journey.

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