

Speaker & Possibilites Igniter.

Innovation, Perfection and Creativity at its best

New Book

Now available.

A powerful and life-changing story about inner beauty, grit, tenacity and possibility.

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her story

Smart, business-minded and focussed,
Pearl is a trailblazer.

Pearl’s life has taken her from the board room to the pulpit. She expertly walks the delicate line between the world of business and the world of faith, building a bridge between the two for kingdom impact.


How do we fulfil the great commission?

As of 2021, there are about 3.78 billion social media users worldwide. Statistics say that these are about 70% of the eligible population that have social media accounts.

Combined with print, television and radio, this presents an enormous opportunity for the Christians to reach out and to make Christ known. Disciples are being made, every single second, disciples of men, of tribes, of brands, of movements and even of other faiths. 

There are countless social media pages with the bio, child of God, and often it ends with the bio. Our personal branding has a lot to do with our ability to market ourselves and secure the bag. 

But think about this, Amla wouldn’t wear the alcohol logo on his shirt, though it was the emblem of the team’s official sponsor. Was he cancelled? No, he made himself indispensable.

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her work

Dynamic and unstoppable, Pearl is a legacy builder.

Founder of Inspi’her a Surviv’her (pronounced Inspire a Survivor). The charity works to support and inspire women through socio-economic and academic interventions .

The Widows care program, A child headed household feeding scheme, The Brand School for the youth and Kingdom Heiress Academy for women.

She also shares homeschooling tips via her Instagram handle @the_osas_school_at_home in order to help parents who feel overwhelmed with the demands of homeschooling during the new normal.


Kingdom Heiress Academy

Kingdom Heiress Academy is a Spiritual Empowerment Program that helps women attain that seemingly elusive goal of becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman. It teaches the theoretical and practical aspects of Intimacy with God, Gaining Spiritual Stature, Spiritual Warfare, Marriage, Motherhood, Business, Politics, Philanthropy, Social Etiquette and Personal Grooming

The Art of Royalty Breakfast, hosted by the Kingdom Heiress Academy, is a gathering of Proverbs 31 women celebrating excellence, inner beauty and accomplishment.



Pearl has been featured in a number of high-profile media print and online media. Read or listen to some them here.

“Nothing can stop me from serving in my calling, I am a multi-dimensional bundle of unlimited expressions like my Creator. I live every day to express my possibilities and potential. I understand and adapt to change recognising that life has seasons and unique stories that go with each season.”

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